Lee Myung-bak’s Memoir was published.
The memoir of former president Lee Myung-bak, titled “Time of the President,” was published in February 2015.
Global financial crises and dealing with North Korea – just a few of the many issues ···
저는 ‘대한민국의 가장 행복한 일꾼’이었습니다.
<제109차 라디오·인터넷연설 中>
지난 5년간 국가와 국민을 위해 매 순간, 모든 일에 최선을 다해 열심히 일했기에 후회나 아쉬움은 없습니다. 저는 ‘대한민국의 가장 행복한 일꾼’이었습니다. 이제 무거운 책임과 의무를 내려놓고, 국민 속으로 돌아가고자 합니다. 글로벌 경제위기로 여전히 어렵지만, 세계를 향해 거침없이 도전하는 우리 젊은이들이 있는 한, 대한민국의 힘찬 전진은 계속될 것으로 확신합니다.
I was the happiest worker in Korea.
The past five years during which I have served as President with a mandate
from the great people has truly been tough for me. But at the same time,
it has also been a period of great pleasure and honor. I am very grateful
to my beloved country and great people. ··· Thanks to the united efforts
and support of the people over the past five years, Korea was evaluated
as having overcome the unprecedented global economic crises in the most
successful manner in the world. ···